Hey I'm
A CS student who loves to eat graphics , visualize data and
explore tech world like a
Know me

About me

A Computer Science Student currently pursuing "Btech" from Bennett University having a keen interest in the tech field since many years. There is almost nothing in the world at the present time which do not involve CS field , indicating the rapid growth of technology and that is the motivation for me pursuing this as a career option. CS field is so vast and each field of it has some beauty in it because each one of it has real life application and brings so much to table for the Tech Enthusiasts.

"Graphic designing" and "Video Editing" are 2 fields which gives me immense fun and has a huge demand nowadays in the market for being a Freelancer and a content creator. Best attribute about these 2 fields is the creativity they have deep inside them and my love for "graphics" can be clearly seen in the tagline if you know what i mean.

My Skills

"PYTHON" is a language that i have set my focus on from beginning of College as it provides what's needed for being a Data Scientist which is one of the most buzzworthy career in coming years. I have some experience of using Python lib like NumPy, Pandas, Matplotlib, Plotly, Seaborn to visualize and analyse data.

I am also familiar with "JAVA" and "C++" , have also made a Web-App using Java Netbeans(Swing) for my 2nd Sem Project , but i only have basic idea of C++ for now as i am still working on it.

I also have experience of doing "Android Dev" and i am using XML and JAVA for front-end and back-end resp.In addition to that, also have developed an app giving me practical experience and now i am working more to improve my skillset like connecting to a database , front-end using Adobe XD.I also have little bit knowledge of "Web-Dev" as i am new to it but have got basic idea of HTML,CSS,Bootstrap for the front-end and Flask for back-end.

"Graphic design" using Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator is what i have been working on since almost 2 years and its a skill that i love the most and work on anytime i feel stressed.

Python 80%
Java 60%
C++ 50%
Flask 40%
Photoshop 90%
Illustrator 80%
MySQL 70%

My Projects

"SOUL MEDITATION" is an Android application based on the idea of using sounds and stimulating frequencies to help cure a lot of diseases in just few minutes. Sound waves of different frequencies are used to produce beats according to required condition of the User which helps them to cure disease.
It also has features like setting up a timer incase user wants a limited time of hearing beats , and has inbuilt categories which works on a single click without any hasle to the user.

"SMART AGRIGATOR" is a Web-application developed keeping in mind problems faced by Farmers of our Country. Crop Failure is a huge problem in India and farmers dont get the required info for the crop cultivation and they suffer huge loss leading to debts. App helps them to get a good crop season as it provides info on weather conditions, soil types, fertilizers and machinery requirements according to Farmer's requirements.
Web-App is made using Java Netbeans and database connectivity is done using MySQL.

"RESTAURANTE INTELLIGENTE" is an Android Application developed to solve the problems faced by common people and restaurant managers. Application has unique feautures like booking a seat with help of 360 degree view , Feedback with help of facial recognition , along with a QR-code feature to verify the user. All these features have a common objective and that is to save time which we dont have much nowadays.
There are 2 android apps , one for the User and other one for Restaurant Manager . Both apps are developed using Android Studio and live database connectivity has been applied using Firebase.

Contact me

Reach out to me through any of the social media plattforms and will get in touch for sure to discuss about working together in any Projects, Hackathons, Competitions.
Also , i am ready for any freelance work related to Graphic Design, Android App Dev.
